Bye Bye Edinburgh

I’m on a train speeding through the countryside on a bright sunny day. In just a few hours I’ll be back in London and I’m looking forward to the familiarity and home comforts of the Castle.

This morning we got up early to sort out final bits and pieces and pack up all the props. We’re travelling with quite a lot of stuff so the logistics of leaving were quite complicated. But with the assistance of a friendly cab driver and some efficient packing we were soon on our way.

As the train pulled out of the station I said goodbye to the City and its castles – and my tics said goodbye to its “Cats.”

I’m looking forward to seeing Fat Sister and King Russell. I’m going straight back to work tomorrow and then on to Shambala at the end of the week so I’m very mindful of the need to pace myself.

Right now though I’m just enjoying the amazing views from the train.

Thanks Edinburgh, for a lovely August.

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