A Donkey-Defining Moment

David Cameron on the campaign trail made a revealing slip yesterday when he described the Election as “career-defining” before correcting himself and saying “country defining.”

I’ve just watched the video, and my tics immediately seized on the phrase:

“This is a real career-defining donkey.”
“This is a real career-defining crayon drawing.”
“This is a real career-defining masturbation scene.”
“This is a real career-defining electric toothbrush impersonation.”
“This is a real career-defining, curl-defining, moment.”
“This is a real career-defining argument with an electric fence.”

This made me laugh – but a lot less funny is the fact that my career’s been defined and restricted by decisions that Cameron’s made.

I’ve written many times about the crucial role Access To Work plays in ensuring I have the support I need to keep working. In the last year it’s been seriously undermined by secretive changes and cuts.

The result is that the careers of many disabled people are being defined not by our energy, talents and capability but by whether we can successfully negotiate our way through the hostile system that Access to Work has become, and get the practical support we need to do our jobs.

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