Goodbye Leftwing Idiot, Hello Geranium

Leftwing Idiot popped over this evening to say a final goodbye before he goes to Edinburgh for a month, and he didn’t come alone. With him was my old nemesis, the geranium.

Since its arrival in his flat over two years ago my tics have hit it with a barrage of insults and abuse. Despite this, Leftwing Idiot’s decided to let me take care of it while he’s away. I think he hopes it’ll give us a chance to bond, and so far this plan seems to be working, with all my tics being friendly and welcoming. I tried really hard not look too excited as he talked me through how to prune the old leaves.

It means a lot to me that he trusts me to take care of his precious plant. I’m confident I’ll do a good job, but he looked a little less sure as he said goodbye to us both.

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